Sunday, June 17, 2012

Miss le gurlprens!

Haiiiiiiiii ~!! Assalamualaikum ~!!

uhuk! uhuk!! kinda feel sebaksebak now. I miss my best friends. and I know they miss me too! heheheh!
aik? anyone wanna proof they miss me? Challenge Accepted like a Bawz ;p

Jyeahhh! she's one of my bestie. balik capat la meng.. muuah umi ;)

Okok.. ini ada aku kena tag juga nih ah? tu capital T dia bilang. hahahah! muuah uyun ;)

erm, send me a rescue truck? hurm.. I know I know. she didn't even say that she miss me. but I'm sure she is! hahahah!! irah rindu tika ba kn? (memaksa bah) muuah aida ;)

hahh.. untuk pengetahuan anda sekalian, c ayu nih pemalu. dia rindu aku juga nih. hahahahah!! muuah ayu ;)

see.. you see! hahahah! muuah Fifi ;)

still not forgotten, ally yg nun jauh d sanaaaaaaa. muuah ally ;)

egois jati. teman seperjuangan d UKM. hahahahah!! that's the only way to show how much she miss me. hahahah muuah jati ;)

hesh, makin lama makin laa nda kena kasi tnjuk rindu tu. hahahah!! she miss her friends. I'm her friend. so she miss me la. hahahah!! muuah kinah ;)

makin hilang semangat ku nih tau. hahahah.. ada papa baru suda aku. papa drakula' mana suda? :P wahai riana, rindu tika kn??? (memaksa) hahah! muuah dyg ;)

HMMMMM... some of them didn't say they miss me at all. *hate to say this* hahahah!! whatever la, I know they miss me juga itu ;P sometimes people who don't say they miss you are the one who miss you so badly. they're in pain of missing you actually. hahahahahh!! heyyy, I'm thinking of positive thing rite now. mereka sungguh egois ;p

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