Saturday, April 28, 2012


gambar hiasan

Okay. today is Saturday. April 28.

as usual.. just staying at home. doing nothing -.-

today's supposed go to my friend's sister's wedding. my parents allow me to go. happy? of course lah. can  jalan2 sama kawan. huahua.. but the sad part is. we CAN'T GO. cuhs, we don't have any vehicles to go there. ckt lg aku bwa alphard tu tau. hahahaha! ;p ;p ;p

forget about the wedding, tomorrow night going to community hall cuhs.. ar I'm not really sure about it maybe something like 'malam amal' ? hahah.. don't know lah, as long as my tummy can be pampered by the free food at there.

heyy!! I'm such a grateful person loh! hate wasting. hahahah xD

Friday, April 27, 2012



Hai??????? *crickets sound

haish! here I am updating this old lame blog just because don't wanna make it more boring. harhar xD

uhuk. to be frank, I'm not the one who having a great knowledge about it.
you asking me;
 " then why are you talking about it?"
why I'm talk about it ah? wtf, just now I checked my fb. there's a person shared a lot of brilliant quote, updating some pictures arr..mostly about finding partner(in a good way)

found it on tumblr
kinda make sense.. there was a time, I got broken heart. damn. so badly. I was desperately rush to find someone new to be with. told myself that the only way I can move on. at first, it work.
 yeah, that moment I thought my heart has fully recovered. gosh, actually, I just make things getting more worst. 
okay, it was before ok? now I realize, if you be with somebody just wanna to prove that you're okay.
 perggh, seriously peeps, it wont work at all :\

note to self: never use someone to move on


perhaps, nothing is ever quite as pain as getting over your first love
which you thought you'd spend the rest of your live together, made a plans for the future together..

ahh.. for those broken-hearted, time will heals it. trust me :')


well... since sharing considered we're caring ;D

 jgn berharap pada cinta yg x pasti

Wednesday, April 25, 2012


what should I do with my life now? I'm still figuring how to further my study. yeah, got my SPM result last month and still don't know what to do next. chase for my dream or.. is it too late? damn.. this is hard.
college? form 6? *sighhh -.-

ouh yeah. my friends said wait for the UPU result. if I get it, then go for it. ah? so form6 will be the last choice.. *sighhh -.-

ahaii.. starting it on my own kinda hard. I don't know how to plan, what to expect, where to go, what to do.. haish, then now I wish I were a little kid again. not think too much about study cuhs le parents always potpetpotpet us to S.T.U.D.Y.. hehehe! xD
oh well, I'm currently just staying at home -doing nothing -.-

what would my life like? I'm excited about a good things! yeah, gain something without put a lot of effort(hahaha!), earning my own money, having a car and house(wishing it would be a mansion! xD),
being my family, friends and so on..  basically, having a GOOD LIFE.

ehh? think I'm a lazy person. yes I am! am I proud of it? hell no dear. ada kunun mau bangga.. hahahah

hahah. some of Gate's quote.. grr..

huh. need to get hold a grip of myself and contemplate about further my study in future :)

#wish me luck peeps. may ALLAH will bless me and you :3


Tuesday, April 24, 2012


hahahaahaha! well peeps, I'd never did this to my teachers. but I did it to my buddies by using a mirror! yeah, maybe for you this isn't so funny at all -cuhs when I shared this picture on my fb, only a few of my friend hits the LIKE button. hahah, I don't care as long as I found this MEME are hilarious! xD

Antara Sunnah-sunnah Nabi saw sebelum, ketika dan selepas tidur


1. Sebelum dan selepas tidur baca doa tidur. Ramai orang memperlekehkan doa Masnun (doa harian) tapi hakikatnya harga yang Allah swt janjikan adalah syurga.

2. Jangan tidur menghadap kaki arah Qiblat. Ini adalah kedudukan tidur orang yang telah mati.

3. Barangsiapa yang membaca Tasbih Fatimah, sekiranya dia mati malam itu,dia akan dikira sebagai mati syahid. Apa itu Tasbih Fatimah?

Subhanallah 33 X, Alhamdulillah 33 X, Allahuakbar 33 X.

4. Baca 4 Qul tiup ke tapak tangan dan sapu keseluruh badan untuk menghindarkan sihir dan niat jahat manusia.

5. Niat untuk bangun Tahajjud. Sekiranya tidak terjaga, Allah swt akan mengira seolah-olah dia bertahajjud sepanjang malam. Tahajjud adalah sebaik-baik pelindung daripada sihir dan buatan orang.

6. Ambil wuduk sebelum tidur dan Solat Sunat Taubat 2 rakaat.

7. Maafkan semua kesalahan manusia pada kita dan halalkan semua hutang piutang sebelum tidur.Bangun tidur boleh buka fail semula kalau mahu.

8. Tidur cara Rasulullah saw dengan mengiring badan ke kanan dan tapak tangan dibawah pipi.

Moga Kita Dapat Mengamalkan Perkara yang baik-baik sahaja dalam hidup ini. 

Monday, April 23, 2012

Perkara yang harus dilakukan jika bermimpi sesuatu yang menakutkan

#copy paste from somewhere

Berikut adalah beberapa perkara yang harus kita lakukan jika bermimpi buruk. Kita sebagai manusia biasa memang tidak terlepas dari mimpi-mimpi yang buruk, mengerikan dan juga mimpi musibah yang tidak kita sendiri mahukan.
Mimpi mainan syaitan.
Berikut adalah beberapa perkara yang boleh kita lakukan sekiranya terjaga dari mimpi buruk.
  • Mimpi buruk yang pertama, bila terjaga. Disarankan untuk ludah kesebelah kiri sebanyak 3 kali. (dengan bacaan, “aa’udzubillahiminassyaithaanirrajim”)
  • Kemudian, kali kedua tidur, diganggu kembali mimpi buruk/mimpi yang sama. Tukar posisi tidur. Sekiranya mengiring kanan pada mulanya, cuba tukar posisi lain.
  • Kali ketiga tidur, di ganggu sekali lagi dengan mimpi yang lain atau mimpi yang sama, anda disarankan untuk bangun ambil wudhuk. Sembahyang tahajjud, sembahyang hajat, berwirid, berdoa kepada Allah, semoga tidak diganggu. Insyallah, tidak akan tidur anda tidak diganggu oleh syaitan dan jin.
Biasanya bila kali ketiga, jika kita dikacau sebenarnya ada hikmah disebalik gangguan itu, maknanya Allah sayang kepada hambanya agar kita beribadah kepadanya, Subhanallah. Setiap perkara yang Allah uji kepada hambanya, selalu kita tidak perasan.
Nota tambahan.
  • Minta perlindungan dengan Allah daripada syaitan dan daripada perkara buruk yang telah dilihatnya (3 kali).
  • Jangan menceritakan mimpi buruk kepada seseorang pun, sekiranya tidak serius, dan mimpi yang datang hanya sekali-sekala.
  • Tetapi jika ingin tahu, mengenai tafsir mimpi boleh tanya kepada ustaz/ mereka yang pakar dalam bidang tafsir mimpi.
Doa jika mendapat mimpi buruk :

“Ya Allah, sesungguhnya aku mohon perlindungan kepada-Mu dari tingkah laku setan dan dari mimpi-mimpi yang buruk”
(HR. Ibnu Sunny).

Sunday, April 22, 2012


today, maggi for luch! xD *slurppppp~

huh. I know Maggie always been associated with those student whom getting pokai rite? EH? so even me! the PENGGANGGUR BERJAYA also loves maggie! hahahah! xD

TETTTH!! beware peeps! there are a lot of strange ingredient in Maggie which, it is soooo not good for health! well, yeah. this fact also for me. reminding me not to take it often. argghhhh *sob..sob

click for better clarity

as for y'all know, the effect may not be a day or two. it will have an impact when we was on already age 50-70 or even worst during our middle age 30-40!!! wtf,

maybe this fact already known by y'all. but, sharing is caring rite? hihi :p
okok.. here's the information (copy&paste from somewhere) *jgn MALAS BACA!

10 bahan terlarang yang kita tanpa sedari!
1. Kalsium Sulfat: Kapur Paris.
2. Asid tartarik: Bahan kimia yang digunakan dalam julap dan untuk memutihkan cermin. Ia lebih beracun berbanding 100% alkohol tulen.
3. Kalsium oksida: Digunakan untuk rawatan sisa buangan dan dalam racun serangga (rictsect contohnya).
4. Tertiary Butylhydroxyquinone (TBHQ): Produk berasaskan petroleum satu bentuk butane (cecair dalam pemetik api).
5. Butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT) : Risiko karsinogen dan kesan berbahaya kepadaginjal.
6. Propyl Gallate: Satu xenoestogen  (sebatian seperti hormon). Boleh memberikan kesan sampingan kepada pembiakan, perkembangan janin yang sihat dan menghalang pengeluaran sperma.
7. Pentasodium triphosphate: Bahan pencuci paling berkuasa (digunakan dalam bahan cuci, pinggan mangkuk), bahan smak untuk kulit juga digunakan dalam pengeluaran kertas, penapisan petroleum, applikasi lombong dan rawatan air.
8. Propylane Glycol: Pelarut sintetik yang dianggap racun neorologi. Digunakan untuk pembuatan bahan pendingin,  antibeku automotif, cecair yang berfungsi dalam tekanan hidraulik dan sebagainya. Jumlah berlebihan yang diambil boleh membawa kepada kerosakan buah pinggang.
9. Polydimethylsiloxane: Digunakan dalam kanta sentuh, syampu untuk (menjadikan rambut berkilat dan licin), minyak pelincir dan jubin tahan panas.
10. Pewarna tiruan: (contohnya Sunset Yello FCF Tartrazine) ia menyumbang kepada hiperaktiviti dalam kalangan kanak-kanak: mungkin turut menyumbang kepada gangguan visual dan pembelajaran, kerosakan saraf, dan mungkin boleh menjadi penyebab kanser.
Nota tambahan: Sebenarnya lebih dari itu, bukan sekadar bahan perasa dan antaranya:
136 bahan penambah kebanyakannya bahan kimia adalah dibenarkan ditambah di dalam mi segera oleh Codex, piawaian makanan WHO/FAO. Daripada 136 bahan penambah itu, 24 daripadanya adalah garam natrium, di samping garam makan juga turut ditambah. Atas faktor itulah kenapa mi segera mengandungi natrium yang tinggi.
Satu paket mi segera sahaja boleh mengandungi kira-kira maksimum pengambilan harian yang dibenarkan 2,400 mg natrium. Erkk!!! Aku pun makan meggi (stok banyak tuh) juga masa waktu student, nak buat macam mana, duit elaun pun sikit sangat. Tapi sekarang memang dah jaaaarang sekali makan meggi, syukurlah.
Tapi aku pun tak pasti dah berapa banyak dah aku makan ‘racun’ nie?? Peringatan untuk diri sendiri jerla,  kurangkanlah makan mee segera, walaupun murah dan menjimatkan ianya tetap merbahayakan kesihatan. Malah, akan lebih banyak kos yang diperlukan untuk melakukan rawatan kalau kesihatan kita terjejas. Perlu kita ingat, kesihatan tu lebih penting dari segalanya. Nikmat kesihatan, kurniaan Allah juga tuh.

#gosh.. this fact are totally killing me now... =.='
never mind! I'll eat it once it a month somehow. hahahah xD

Saturday, April 21, 2012


Death True! hahaha. nothing much, I just wanna share this pic. hikhik


#KotexEndCompromise is all about wanting the best for urself and not settling! Send in ur photos here to win!

W.H.Y? isn't it ironic?

why do we run from the ones that makes you happy, and fight for the ones that makes you cry? why waste your time on someone who hurts you? when there could be someone out there waiting to make you happy?

well then, maybe this issue kinda confusing or annoys you so bad. but, have you ever ask YOURSELF about it? no offend k peeps.

Okay dear, may start from now you need to FORGET what you want, and REMEMBER what you actually deserve. you deserve more than this. you know it rite? yes. I know you are :)

BUT SOMETIMES, there's only one person who can make you really happy in the world, is the same person who makes you sad and lonely. - Oh God, I really hate the feeling of losing someone that mean a lot to me. it please Allah, don't let it happen to me AGAIN. I know You loves me :')

"what happens when he's your Prince Charming, but you're not his Cinderella?"

Friday, April 20, 2012


hoho. I don't know if this is her latest song or not. as I blog walking just now, and I found this video. HEHE.



blablaa.. this reminded my dearest bestie so much. hihi

yesterday craving for a cupcakes and now seems I wanna eat APAM POLKADOT! hahaha xD I have big appetite on food as long as it is not a FISH! hihihi :3

Okeyyh, forgot the date, went to Umi's house. I'm going back home was a little bit late, so then she asking if I wanna help her made this cute apam polkadot. without thinking how late I am, I said YES! hahahah.. well, I'm not good on cooking actually, but Imma gladly to help her! hihi ;3 ;3 ;3

I will not tell you the recipe for now, but InsyaAllah I'll tell you when... ah, IF I done made it alone. wkakakakakak! -don't trust me :p

D'you see the picture above? heheh this is the first trial - before kukus it. hahahahahah *idk what kukus in English -.-'

p/s: from left, aida's , umi's and I. harharhar

andddd... this is the result. take a look at the 'smiley' one! hahahahahah! I kinda like that green one, macam super mario pnya cendawan kan? hihihi xD upps.. pretend you don't see mines. mcm cendawan buruk.. hahaha

this is one of my bestie. Umi. hihi
Umi && Aida ~ muuah for 'em :*
this is me and Umi
Aida and I. hihi

Okay lah, nothing else for now.. bubye guys ~ ^^

Thursday, April 19, 2012

le eyes

So here I am minding my own business.. today  I decorated my own header. WHOAA. I'm not so excited about it actually, cuhs it don't really... Ermm, I don't know what word suit to express my feelings now. sure-fire, my eyes feels so tired and sore by now =.=. goshh, nda mau rabun oh me! hahaha.

now I try not to spend so much time at the lappy's screen, also stop read a book in dim light, oh yaa! eat A LOT OF FRUIT AND VEGGIESSSSZZ (!) *berazam. ekekekeek

pray for me! wkakakak! xD

I'm craving for a CUPCAKE !

arghhhhh. this morning I don't know why I'm craving for a cupcake(s) ! yayyyyy.. after I woke up, then I go straight to the kitchen to find something "similar" with cupcake. and guess what I found?
 N.O.T.H.I.N.G (!)

huh. seem I'm such a pregnant women who crave for strange foods =.='

so to compliment myself... NAAAAHH.

adoyy.. sometimes they just look too cute to eat. *gulp.
now, maggi is the best choice to satisfied myself. muahahaha xD

The Library

well library here means Halidah's room. ahahaha :D

Diary of a Wimpy Kid-Jeff Kinney

yesterday went to Halidah's house-again hahahah ~ andddd.. guess what? I borrowed her book again. hikhikhik xD she said this book was kinda funny and can makes you giggling around while reading it. without hesitate simpan dlm beg, pinjam, bawa balik rumah. agagagaa
so yeahh, at the first time I see the book's cover; I know it contains a hilarious story. ahah..
EH?? people say "don't judge a book by it's cover". but I did :p

forget about the book I haven't finished read the book yet :p

hoho. then we rock on her bed by take some pic ~

the last one =.=' duck face yg mmg btl2 menjadi. hahaha xD

Weehoaaaaa~! this is one of my bestie; Yune.. 
she's pretty rite? :D

p/s: mau ambi gmbr dgn dorang Jati &&Ayu, tapi dorg ndada pakai hijab time tuh. jd nda laa. hahaha xD

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Band-aid LOVE.

eee! cuteeee!

wohoahhh.. when I see this band aid, I was a lil bit confused. is it created to heal for those broken-hearted's heart? hihi. kidding okayy ~

as we know here,
band aids are not meant to be HEALER. it simply to cover up your wound (I guess so..) . it was a magical when we're little, cush think it heal us. it just "stop" the hurt actually. ekekekeee xD same goes to me peeps, when I was a little, I think it was really fun and cute so I can pick ones that I like! hohoho ~

but when we're growing up, we usually pick the flesh colored (based on my experience laa..). while they're not exactly invisible or perfectly camouflaged, not as obvious and people don't always know that you're really hurt. HUH, it's kind of like the same thing when you get out of relationship! you-still-hurt. so badly. but you're trying hard to hide it by go out and having fun with buddies, handsome/pretty person to spend with. they distract you. but the reason why you still hurting is still there. 

weee! I want this tee!!

aishh. seems I am the most emotional person now. hahaha. don't know what am I typing rite now -.-' 

selalu lari tajuk ah? crta psl band aid then merapu ntah apa2. hahah..

well oh well. if you're SINGLE, don't get sad okeh? single doesn't mean that you're ugly, unpopular, nobody loves you or whatever ~ some rude words might killing rite? being single wont be that suck ;)

study the pic above. D'you got it? used band aid is nothing, otherwise times will heal it dear ~

Sharing is Caring :)


Frankly, I have no idea with the titlte =.='. is it when sharing something to somebody, shows that you're a caring person? like food or.. what else something needy? ahahahaha. okok.. boring. I know, I know -.-'

okok.. maybe this is a better picture to illustrate that phrase's meaning ^^ -cute rite? ;3;3;3

alright peeps, don't mind about the 'sharing is caring' means. I'm pretty sure that you and your friends have shared something rite? so do I :)

hai? hahaha xD this pic was taken on Apr 11, 2012 after came back from Halidah's house. heheh.. eh, seems lari tajuk oredy kn? ah, biarlah. mau crita about the yummy cheese cake (Y) , mna lagi mee guring sampur belacan. pergghhhhhh~ sedap jo~

Bercinta.. OK ataupun KO? <3
WEEHEEEWW~! lepak-ing at her bed feels like gossiping in the library! hahahaha!*ancur inggeris doh

nda phm knpa mcm d lebri? sbb biliknya telah ber-hawa-dinginkan air cond && bermacam-macamkan novel(s) !! hahahahaha :D upps.. see the pic above? hohox. tanpe segan silu saye pinjam dr die. hihihikk

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Now you can earn rewards by sharing through Facebook & Twitter with #ChurpChurp! How cool is that?

Now you can earn rewards by sharing through Facebook & Twitter with #ChurpChurp! How cool is that?

sii cantik yang jelitaaa(pura2)

Assalamualaikum.. ^^(Y)

see this girl above? heheh. well, we kind of friend since primary school. uhuk, not so close at all cuz we both have our 'own' besfriend kunu. but then, up to secondary school we become bestfriend! hahah xD


about her? hmmmm.. she's pretty, talkactive, SHORT (hahahaha!), sometimes annoying (actually, not sometimes okey? it happen all the f* time :p), kinda tough, blue addict(idk if this still her fav),
 good listener and also good adviser :') andddd..... 

ah, malas mau puji panjang2 cuz she's kinda cepat perasan a.k.a takbur dgn kelebihan yg ada. hahahahah *satisfied satisfied

but somehow, on 2009 she had to moved away due to follow her father... arr if I'm not mistaken, naik pangkat mengkali bapanya. heheh ^^

miss her miss herrrr ~

I love all my friends. muahh dari jauhhh :*

" Truly great friends are hard to find, difficult to leave, and impossible to FORGET "

susah cari kawan sejati.. kan?? :')
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